Our new spring issue has 250 pages of luscious content and stunning images celebrating the rite of spring and the annual trout opener that has been celebrated in history and paid homage to in classic writings like in John Voelker’s “Trout Madness”. We invite you to come and subscribe and see what the buzz has been about and why so many are loving Hallowed Waters Journal.

First off there is the “Ebb & Flow”, the editorial view from the publisher Matthew Supinski. Here the rite of spring of his youth and the trout opener gives us opportunities to develop new riverkeeper heroes in youth just starting to get bit by the trout and salmon passion.

Then it’s off to the feature mini-bible on the hatch that defines spring trout fishing. Here in this 46 page manifesto that features the history and legacy of the historic Catskills and the Gordon/Steenrod connection , we delve deep into this massive hatch that dry fly stoics worship in “Meet the Hendrickson’s“. It is the spring hatch that are the royals of mayflies and is beautifully told by the editor and his host of contributing Ephemerella subvarian connoisseurs, with the likes of the bug doctor: Johnny Miller, and JC Clark, Henry Ramsay, Josh Greenberg, Ed McCoy, Ethan Winchester and Chris Walket- with stunning fly patterns by the contributing authors and the likes of Neil Sunday!

The tailwaters of Tennessee have tremendous midge hatches and extremely selective wild brown trout that sip adults and emergers on the surface, and chow down on midge larvae all day in the spring-creek like vegetation of the limestone flats setting. Here guide and Op/Ed bug doctor: Patrick Fulkrod of South Holston River Company shares “A Guide’s Perspective to Midging” with some excellent tactical advice and fly patterns with his mopp/yarn indicator set-up.

Next it’s the meat slinging streamer gig of fluctuating water flows of spring and summer streamer fishing. An in-depth expose on streamer fishing in challenging conditions is beautifully laid out, with contributing authors and modern deans of global streamer fishing: the one and only Kelly Galloup and Tommy Lynch, adding color and skinny advice. If you are a streamer slinging addict, this piece is a must read

Then it’s off to Iceland in our Migratory Chase column and a very special lady that has shaped her life around the beauty of the land of fire and ice. Here in this amazing Salmo utopia, both Atlantic salmon and Brown Trout have their ultimate kingdom and reign supreme. Their spey casting queen is Vala Arnadottir, and her beautiful essay and article ” The Queen of Ice-A Lady’s Love Affair with Icelandic Salmo Salar” is a must read to see the magnetism these fish cast over those that pursue them.

When you think about it, small spring-fed creeks were the ones we probably grew up with and fell in love with observing the ways of the trout. We dedicate a whole piece to these amazing creeks also described as “fusion creeks” , since many have elements of freestone/limestone and true spring creeks all embedded into one stream. In these special small creeks that tend to grow very big trout, we look at their diversity and where to find them, especially in farmland pastoral valleys between mountains and hills. Two spring creek experts: Paul Weamer out in Paradise Valley Montana in Yellowstone country; and Matt Wagner in the Wisconsin’s Driftless Area of the spring creek Coulees at Driftless Angler, share their thoughts and passions for these fine streams that were meant to hunt and stalk its super snooty trout on.

In the “Rise Forms” column, the Catskills are famous for their epic mayfly hatches without a doubt. But Bruce Concors in his “ The Hidden Gem in the Mayfly Mecca-Caddis in the Catskills” discusses the surge of caddis in these hallowed waters where Caucci and Nastasi wrote their epic “Hatches” mayfly masterpiece.

In our “Chasing Sawyer’s Pheasant Tail-Nymphing Column“, two icons of the Polish woven nymph: Piotrek Michna and Aaron Jasper from both sides across the pond discuss tying and fishing the famous Polish woven nymph that has won many Euro nymphing competitions.

In our “Meat Locker-Streamers” Column, legendary Michigan streamer guide talks about his career and chasing trout for 75 years, with his book featured as the topic” View from the Middle Seat”

As long as I can remember since a boy growing up in the Niagara Frontier and the Great Lakes, spring has always been about steelhead. Here we discuss targeting chrome arriving fish, and drop-back ones that take a swung fly. The strong message to leave spawning fish alone is gaining more ground and focusing on later running fish having greater chances for fall-like hookups on the swing. With the editor’s massive background with steelhead, along with contributing guides John Fabian, Jeff Hubbard, John Giuliani and Craig Amacker, they take an introspective look at fishing late-season steelhead.

Next up, Eric Richard in the Ecology column has been a voice for PA wild brown trout for a decade or more. With his PA Wild Trout Network social media site and his lobbying, Eric has pushed and received a protective status for marginal trout waters where big brood stock brown trout migrate to in winter and different temperature regimes. He has proven that these special breeder sized trophy fish that populate small spring creeks and their reproductive year classes warrant the protection they deserve, especially in winter and spring when they are targeted by trout bait harvesters and causal anglers looking to fill stringers.

The Catskill icon: Joe Ceballos has been doing the “Archival Angler” column since the journal’s inception. His fascination and knowledge for historical perspectives on fly fishing is truly unique and a breath for fresh air. In this issue his ” Wet Flies-A Forgotten Way to Fish?“he traces the origin and use of the wet fly from its creation to its use in the Catskills and elsewhere- stay tuned for part II !

Again Ceballos comes back with another winner in ” The Art of the Fly” column. Here he interviews the famous Italian Stallion: the one and only Enrico Puglisi. Enrico has been a massive force in the fly tying arena for decades.His baitfish innovations for saltwater and trout fishing materials for dry flies, nymphs and streamers have been remarkable. In a series of questions/answers in interview style with Ceballos, Enrico tells it from his heart on his passion from creative chef to super creative fly tying legend. The Italians are masters at whatever they touch!

In our “Literate Angler” column on books and art, we dive into some awesome authors and one great salmonid artist.Paul Weamer, the dry fly guru from the Delaware and Pennsylvania, now living in Yellowstone country in Montana, has his book reviewed: “Dry Fly Strategies” by the publisher. Bob Linsenman reviews the prose and story telling mastery for best-selling author Steve Ramirez with his monumental book : Casting Forward“

Then its the magnificent sketch art of Al Hassall from Canada, His art of steelhead, salmon, trout and flies is spectacular and has glossed the pages of Fly Fisherman and Wild Steelehad and Salmon magazine for decades.

Finally, it’s one of those columns that our readers can’t get enough of: The “Epicurean Forager” gourmet cuisine column. Here the editors: Matthew and Laurie, share their culinary passion and training featuring amazing recipes that you can quickly and inexpensively cook at home with minimal culinary cooking talent. This issue is a celebration of spring and “wild about wild mushrooms!” dishes celebrate wild mushrooms and their flavors are featured

Well!…there you have it folks! Hope that is enough to keep you reading and loving Hallowed Waters Journal for months and months to come! Also as a nice free bonus to everyone, Matthew’s “Hallowed Waters Podcasts” on Apple and Spotify Podcasts discuss the most exciting technical and passionate fly fishing subjects with guest fly fishing talents from around the globe. His exciting mini-series like: “Big Brown Trout Hunters”…”Migratory Spey”…and “Ecology:Invasives, Introductions and Indigenous” series of shows airs twice a month. Spring Creek fanatics tune in April 30th for a new podcast!-spring creek stalking sensei Dave Jensen is featured guest. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/hallowed-waters/id1606667042?i=1000554042818
Also we are looking to go to print issues with the next issue publication date and increase our server capacities to encompass all apps and viewing options. Your subscription will only allow us to expand and be the best magazine out there!

Come to Hallowed Waters Journal…subscribe today at www.hallowedwaters.com …your passion for trout/salmon/steelhead fly fishing will never be the same! And if you like what you see and hear, please spread the word! We will rethink your relationship with fly fishing-promise!
Cheers! Matthew and Laurie Supinski (Publishing Editors and Founders)