There is no downtime for steelheaders in the Great Lakes and West Coast. With winter and summer strain steelhead that traverse the calendar, winter used to be a time for preparing for spring. The true essence of a steelheaders soul lies in the challenge,…the true grit cold enduring determination of seducing a fish in bone-chilling waters .It’s man v fish, …v brutal weather, high water, frostbite-you name it!, all crazy abnormal stuff only a true steelhead addict will obsessive over. To make one more cast, one more swing and drift, one last run, waiting for the epehemeral ‘ tug-is-is the drug’ moment.

In the winter issue we take you on a complete mini-book/manifesto of the winter grab and passion for these amazing rainbows . Their curiosity and aggressive tenacity to strike your fly in below freezing conditions is what this piece is all about. Reading the water, lies, how they view your flies and offerings (this is a pretty heady info stuff here and is for all steel addicts, not just fly dudes- take notes bobber pinners/ass candy heathens, your passion is the same 🙂

We start on the east with Conklin and his Salmon River chase. Go west with Erie “Alley Rats” Bennett and Trammell ; and then to the hallowed ground -zero waters of the Great Lakes steelhead genesis- Lake Michigan’s Muskegon River and the famed guide and author Kevin Feenstra. And end up in the majestic waters of Washington’s Olympic Peninsula and Oregon with Trevor Covich and Jeff Hickman- two badass swingers par excellence! Here they have a beautiful message of hope and respect for these amazing indigenous waters that have fallen on difficult challenging times. With the scribbling of the editor, we put together one serious piece that will re-think your relationship with these mighty chrome warriors. With some super cool winter fly patterns and recipes, this is the total dope on the gig!

Come to http://www,hallowedwaters,com…the passion and journey for all things Trout/Steelehad/Salmon starts here!- subscribe today!